Saturday, July 2, 2011

Freedom isn't Free

"Without a humble imitation of the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, we can never hope to be a happy nation." George Washington

As I sat in church this week, they were doing a patriotic theme with music and quotes from our founding fathers,tears came to my eyes when I thought about this great country that was established on Christian values and the faith and belief in God. This great country that has been ruined by a self serving congress and a corrupt system. I think about how those founding fathers had so much faith that this country would prosper as long as we kept our faith in God.

"The Bible is the rock on which this Republic rests." Andrew Jackson

“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great Nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religious, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
 Patrick Henry

“The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.” John Quincy Adams

The leaders of today want to take God from everything that we hold dear. even this year our president cancelled the national day of prayer, yes church and state should e separate but we cannot govern ourselves without the morals and laws handed down to us by our heavenly Father.

"The Congress of the United States recommends and approves the Holy Bible for use in all schools.”  The US Congress 1782

"God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure if we have removed their only firm basis: a conviction in the minds of men that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever." - Thomas Jefferson

We need to stress to our Representatives and congressmen that we want our country back and we want it back on track, and remind them of our founding fathers beliefs, and that we need to get back to those beliefs set by our Heavenly Father

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Emori's poem

We had so little time together, I left way too soon, but remember how you loved me each time you see the moon. I know how hard the pain is, I know it broke your heart, that I was taken before  I barely  had a start.
I remember how you cuddled me and held me in your hands, but even with all that love God had different plans. So smile when you think of me and sometimes shed a tear, but know that I’m being held so tight by loved ones already here. I’m waiting on you now and can’t wait to see your face when God calls you home to such a beautiful place.

Emori Ava Lawson Jan.17,2011 - May 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Look at the cross

I wore a cross around my neck for several years until it broke. I never wore it outside to be seen, then one day someone ask me why. I wear a cross  not be shown as a look at me I'm a Christian,  I wear it to remind me of what one man, God, who became a man to walk on this earth did for me. HE died on a cross, a nasty piece of wood, it wasn't pretty like the ones people wear or the clean cut nicely shaped ones you see in and around churches.
It was rough cut splintered and a place for a horrible death, covered with blood, and flesh. It was the most excruciating way to die in HIS time and still today. Years ago I did an in depth study of crucifixion and the crucifixion of Christ. It was an eye opener to say the least, it was a time of discovery for me, of where I had been and where I was going. So here it is Passover week and soon to be Easter, so I ask you to look at the cross and remember when you see the bright shining gold and silver or the perfectly cut steeples that Jesus died for all man kind and it wasn't pretty it wasn't about eggs and bunny's, or presents, But it was in a way beautiful, that He would give so much for such an undeserving world. Greater love has no man but to lay down his life for another.
Put it in the fore front of your life and think, how do we deserve His grace and mercy how do we deserve the sacrifice that He gave for us.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What is a Dad?

Something I wrote at my fathers funeral in 1997

What is a Dad?
He's the one who's there when you fall off your bike and says try again,
He's the one who's there when you don't want to get caught,
He's the one who's there when you need that special advice,
He's the one who's there when you finally marry the right girl,
When your young you think he's always wrong,
And when your grown you find out he was right,
When I was young I said when I grow up I'm not going to do things that way,
When I was young I said he was tough,
Now I'm grown and I see him in the mirror every morning and I realize I'm becoming more like him each day,
What is a Dad?
He's my best friend and I'll miss him dearly, I can only hope that I will mean as much to my family as he does to his,
Dad I Love You, Tim

Friday, February 4, 2011


I’ve set and thought about this for 9 months, and I think back over the struggles we’ve had and all the tears and pain. Now the tears are different, we’ve have been through so much over the past 4 years. I can’t seem to forget the night of July 7 2006 when one of the most important people in my life attempted suicide, my world was rocked, my beautiful daughter wanted to end her life.
We had been going thru some strange times, she had become a cutter and we didn’t understand why someone with so much going for her would feel so much pain and anger that she would have to harm herself to feel better about life. We tried to talk to her but she just closed herself off from us.
Then that night.
Over the next few months I didn’t understand why God would let this happen to us or her, and what was the reason? I prayed for help and answers and it seemed nothing came. This continued for the next 2 years, in and out of a facility, 2 more suicide attempts, counseling, and reaching out for help. I became bitter, argued and fought with God, almost to the point of giving up. Then slowly things changed, the cutting stopped and she became more open to family and life.
Well things have definitely changed, she has grown into a beautiful women. I mentioned nine months, well now she is having a baby; my little girl who has been through so much is having her own little girl.
Through this time God found a way to speak to us, through music God let us know he was there. Several years ago we had met Mark Hall of Casting Crowns, at that time we were working with youth, Mark had told me that if I ever needed anything to let him know, of course he was talking about youth work but, what none of us knew at the time that the band would help us in ways only God could have been involved in. It seemed that their music mirrored our lives, with songs like “Does anybody hear her”, “Set me free”, “Prodigal”, and the one that touched us most “Praise you in the storm”. Two albums seem to speak to us, I wrote Mark and told him all this and thanked him and the group for praying for us and that God had truly been at work through them. So when you think God is not there and you begin to believe that God is “The angry little boy with magnifying glass” remember he lets us go through these ordeals for a reason, maybe to strengthen a marriage or show a hard headed man that no matter what, He is still there. God has truly blessed us, and been there even though we thought He wasn’t. Even though we didn’t trust and thought about turning away we didn’t, we knew deep inside God is always there and HE knows the time and place to move in our lives.
Now the tears of pain and heartache have been replaced by tears of joy and happiness, I am so proud of who she has become and the fact that she is bringing another beautiful little girl into our lives and the world. As I post this today my beautiful granddaughter was born Jan. 17, 2011. Baby and momma are doing great and Papa is eating it up. 
"Yes tho I walk through the valley of death I will free no evil for you are with me." Psalms 23                 Dedicated to Kristan and Emori

Married Life

Whoever said marriage was easy must have only been married for two minutes. Believe me there is nothing easy about marriage it is hard work. If you want to make a marriage last you have to work at it, there is a lot of give and take in marriage. everybody has heard of the book "Men are from Mars and women are from Venus" John gray couldn't have put it better, we are so different in everything. If men think they can ever understand a woman, there wrong, we'll will never truly understand each other. God created us to live together, and if we were to much alike we'd never be able to survive, there needs to be that opposition in the thought process to keep us both working together. If young couples today want to make their lives together, they have to remember to give and take, and yes there will be arguments and disagreements, but you have to understand that these things will happen and we have to keep trying. Women need nurturing, loving touches, hugs, caring for, security, stability, and the occasional new pair of shoes, and well men need food, sex, the remote, and... that's all I can think of right now.
Just know, don't give in to defeat make that marriage work and as long as you keep God in your marriage you can MAKE IT WORK.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Life

I can't understand how anyone can't believe in God after looking at a new born child. Think about the complexity of it all, how something so beautiful can't go from a single cell organism to a living breathing, kicking screaming life. How they can look at nature and see the cycle of life. The fish of the waters, the birds, the animals. Take a close look at a single leaf and see how the leaf is designed to sustain itself. That's not evolution, that's creation, not created by man, machine, or the big bang theory. I just spent the day with my new granddaughter, looking at her hands and feet and thinking about the amazing and awesomeness of Gods handy work in this world. Friends lets step back and take along look at the world around you and realize there is a God and he is still at work.
You know I do believe in the big bang theory.

God said BANG and it happened.